Proud of You.

Through good or bad you stand tall. You show your best and give it your all. As you left that morning a part of me did to.I was scared but now I can say im proud of you. And now your an ocean away and these feeling aren't quite the same. Inside i carry hope. Hope to see you tomorrw, so that i may say Im proud of you. And now you come walking in. All I can think to dois throw my arms around you and tell you Im proud of you.

The world will soon know..that i love you more than you will ever know.

You stand there getting ready to leave the only place you've called home.

I know you'r scared.

I see it in your eye and I can hear it on you voice.

It's ok to be scared

Just know that all of us here are praying for you.

The Marks on sleeves and

the tags around your neck

tell people your rank and name

it doesn't tell them that you are;

you are someon's dad,brother,wife,mother, son or dauter.

It doesnt tell them that you are;

someon'e knightn' shinning armor, somone's hero, someon's everthing

and that there is somone watting for you to come home.

Its hard to see you off and it only gets harder with time.

I know why you do it and i can't say i blame you, but i miss you.

The hope that I might see you tommorow is the

only thing that pulls me through today.

Now you stand there getting ready to leave to come home

but, don't worried the world will soon know that you are;

More than a name and rank

but that you are:

someone's dad, brother,wife,mother, son or dauter.

you are;

someone's knightn' shinning armor, somones hero, someone's everthing.

The world will soon know that there is some one wating for you to come home.

The world will soon know that i love you more than they can understand.

The world will soon know that they were wrong to hate you.

The world will soon know they should have supported you.


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